Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bike Ride!

My father's been working weekends lately, and as I haven't seen them much this year, AND my father might be going out of the country for a year. To make a long story short (but not by any means less tedious) I took a couple of days off this past week to visit.

My journey wasn't purely selfless, however. Southwestern PA has fantastic roads to bike on, if you like continuously rolling hills.

As my parents live about twenty-some odd miles away from West Virginia, and around thirty to Ohio, a started out with a 'Ohio or Bust' logo on my jersey, with drizzling rain threatening to change to thunderstorms.

As this was my third attempt to make it to WV, it was pretty smooth sailing. I blame my prior two failures on the detours and a lack of a map; by now I pretty much had the route memorized.

My personal favorite part of the trip was descending the 8% (average) grade for two miles from West Virginia down into Ohio. 40 MPH? No problem. 40 MPH on wet, grooved concrete, on tires the width of index finger? Perhaps I should squeeze the brakes...

Word to the wise - getting to say that you rode to Ohio isn't worth crossing that bridge.

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