Sunday, July 27, 2008

Am I employed?

I apologize for the confusion of last week - several people thought the layoffs were last Thursday. Many of you called me, wondering if I was one of the 104 (or was that 140?... I'm slightly deaf) people in my building that will be let go.

My explanation was sub-par. It was too quick; it needed to be an in-depth analysis. I need 24/7 coverage of what should be a rather mundane event.

So, in the tradition of overhyped snowstorms, gasoline prices, and general pseudo-news everywhere, I give you:

Employment Watch 2008.

Join me, on Monday July 27th, as I post every... well, so often...

Am I employed?

UPDATE: 8:25 AM. Still Employed.

UPDATE: 9:49 AM. Meeting with the Chief Engineer at 10:00 AM.

UPDATE: 11:06 AM. Shook hands with some people for the last time. They're gone. I'm still here.


X said...

Talk about the layoff hurting productivity....

quadrature said...

Kein scheisse. (Or is that Keine scheisse? I'm unaware of the gender of 'scheisse'.)

In any case nothing will get done today by anyone, as teary-eyed engineers - friends, colleagues, arch-nemesis-es - stream out of the building.

And that, my friends, will be a truly sorry sight. Except for the arch-nemesis-es.